At the Far End of Nowhere

First novel in Lissa Power series: Set in Baltimore and northern Baltimore County, this novel takes Lissa from age four through 22 and portrays the unique bond between young Lissa and her elderly and eccentric father. To be published in September 2018 by Green Writers Press.

Where Everything Begins

Second novel in Lissa Power series: Lissa awakens from her sheltered American childhood as she spends her junior year abroad in France (1973-74) and travels around Europe. This novel is a work in progress.

Culture Shock (provisional title)

Third novel in Lissa Power series: Lissa experiences a whirlwind year of activity and culture shock when she returns home from France to finish college and pursue her dream of becoming a writer. This novel is still in the conceptual stage.

More Lissa Power Novels

I anticipate writing additional novels that follow Lissa through marriage, motherhood, divorce, and beyond. Stay tuned!

What generation do you represent?

Although I expect Lissa’s adventures will resonate primarily with her peers, i.e., Baby Boomer women, I am hoping that Generation Xs and Millennials will find value in Lissa’s reflections on cultural values as they provide a counterpoint and precursor to their own evolving worldview. And perhaps older debut dads, i.e., men who become fathers at age 50+ (a surging demographic trend) will find solace in learning what it was like for an elderly father to relate to a young daughter.

Next Steps…

If you are interested in what you see here, please keep coming back. I will be updating the website on a regular basis and adding new posts to the blog.

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